What Are Dental Fillings Made From?

There are different types of fillings to treat a cavity. Each type has different composition of elements their made of. They can be made...

Indulgence & Your Oral Health

Indulgence & Your Oral Health As humans, indulgence is part of our nature. We can quite happily eat...

Best tips to make teeth strong and white

Teeth are not just for chewing and talking. There is a lot more to it. The quality of your teeth has a direct impact...

No, tooth fairies do not take care of our little chewing...

An aching tooth is the worst thing that can happen to anyone. Drinking even plain and simple water seems a task and the fear...

Keep Your Teeth Healthy

Keep your teeth healthy Each tooth in your mouth is basically composed of minerals. After eating and drinking...

How to choose the right dentist for better teeth treatment?

Choosing a dentist can be difficult. There are hundreds of dentists out there providing their services. Each service tends to provide promising offers. This...

10 Compelling Reasons to Take Your 7-year-old to the Orthodontist

The American Association of Orthodontists reports that children at the age of seven should visit their orthodontist. At this age, enough permanent teeth have...

Answers to Frequently-asked Questions about Whitening Teeth Using Activated Charcoal

Not many people are gifted with naturally white and beautiful teeth and we often wish that our teeth could be whiter if only to...

Invisalign Vs Veneers, which is better?

Are you looking for the best way to get the perfect smile? Then you must have come across Invisalign and dental veneers...

Difference between Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care

Dementia and Alzheimer’s Care are confused by most people as they think both of them have the same meaning. However, the fact is that...

Toronto Hearing Clinics

Toronto Hearing Clinics In hearing test clinic in Toronto, Ontario, we have to enable each patient to gain...

Reduce Your Stress to Get Rid of Dental Problems

Like other health issues, dental problems can also be rooted in mental stress. If this does not sound familiar to you, you can always...

Crucial Dental Care Practices to Follow Life Long

Your smile is an integral part of your personality, and the more you smile, the more you attract people. A confident and charming smile...

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